The Marshallton Conservation Trust is happy to announce the return of its traditional Marshallton Memorial Day Parade and Events on Sunday, May 29th beginning at 1:30 p.m to salute the men and women who have served, those who continue to serve, and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. As in years past, the parade lineup will include the Marine Corps Color Guard, colonial reenactors, dignitaries, Boys and Girls Scouts of America, a bike parade, antique cars, and the West Bradford Fire Company trucks.
For more information, please visit our website and follow us on Facebook for up-to-date event details.
Get Those Creative Wheels Turning

The always popular “Children’s Decorated Bicycle Contest” makes a triumphant return at this year's parade. All children are invited to decorate their bicycles, tricycles, strollers, wagons, and even pets to walk in the parade. (Pets must be well behaved and on leads.) Display your best red, white, and blue in grand style because the theme is, as always, patriotic. Registration for the Decorated Bicycle Contest will start at 12:45 p.m. in the parking lot of the Goddard School. Prizes for winning entries will be awarded at the end of our Memorial Day ceremonies at the Marshallton United Methodist Church (MUMC).

Registration for the Marshalton Triathlon Begins May 12
First run in 1973, the Marshalton Triathlon is considered one of the longest-running triathlons in the country. Community members, families, and teams from Chester County and beyond gather in the village of Marshallton to pedal, paddle, and pace through the scenic and historic 10-mile route to help raise funds for the Triathlon’s two beneficiaries–West Bradford Fire Company and Marshallton Conservation Trust.
For more information and to register for the 2022 Marshalton Triathlon, please visit www.marshaltontriathlon.net.
Honoring the Legacy of Humphry Marshall

On April 12th, the Board of Supervisors of West Bradford Township passed a resolution declaring 2022–the 300th anniversary of the birth of Humphry Marshall–as the "Year of Humphry Marshall." This designation recognizes his long and prosperous life spanning his birth as an English colonist through the War for Independence and into the cusp of the Industrial Revolution as well as his achievements which made an indelible mark on the American landscape.
Marshallton Conservation Trust joins West Bradford Township and other local organizations in honoring the legacy of Humphry Marshall, the namesake of our Village, through various events and activities throughout the year including the Marshalton Triathlon in October. The Triathlon racecourse will identify three notable sites along its route associated with the life of Humphry Marshall–his birthplace (Derbydown), the home he built in Marshallton which is a national historic site, and his burial site in the Bradford Friends Meeting cemetery. Furthermore, Marshallton Conservation Trust plans to designate any proceeds that it receives from the Triathlon to help fund the creation of the new Humphry Marshall Memorial Garden. The Garden will be located at the new nearby Embreeville Park, working in collaboration with West Bradford Township. The Humphry Marshall Memorial Garden will replicate, to the extent possible, the variety of plantings and tree selections as existed in Humphry Marshall’s original botanic garden located at his home in Marshallton. As a living example of the historically significant botanical work done by Humphry Marshall, the Memorial Garden will help to preserve and promote the rich history that makes our Village so unique.
Follow us on Facebook for more information on community events to commemorate the 300th anniversary of Humphry Marshall.
It Takes a Village

As we face the increased challenges to our community–the effect of an increasing number of weather events on our local roads and bridges as well as the threat of development to iconic farms like Tarad Hill–we know that we cannot do it alone and are grateful for your continued support. We have a very special community and together we will continue to work toward enhancing the quality of life of our village and beyond for generations to come. Together we can preserve the past, protect the present, and plan for the future.